Nowhere Man
A film by Patrice Toye, 2005-
Genre: Drama
Languages: Dutch
Subtitles: French
Format: 16/9 – 4/3
Sound: DTS SR
Running time: 96 min
Countries: Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg
Year: 2005
-Tomas is in his 40s. He lives a seemingly normal and good life. His wife Sara is a beautiful and gentle woman, well thought of by everybody. They live in a fairly nice house on the outskirts of a Belgian city. They have good jobs. But for years Tomas has been toying with the secret dream of abandoning it all and disappearing out of his life and into some new undefined reality. His secret fantasies have added colour and excitement to his otherwise dull life. Time has come to act, and one spring day he tricks the world to believe he is dead. Once disappeared though, he realises his dreams did not go any further. He has no idea what to do and what to become.
-Director: Patrice Toye
Script: Bjørn Olaf Johannessen in collaboration with Patrice Toye
Image: Richard van Oosterhout
Sound: Jan Deca, Fred Demolder, Manu de Boissieu
Editing: Nico Leunen
Music: John Parish
Frank Vercruyssen : Tomas
Sara De Roo : Sara
Titus De Voogdt : Jean-Marc
Muzaffer Özdemir : Muzo
Produced by Vincent Tavier & Philippe Kauffmann (La Parti / Belgium), Christian Fredrik Martin (Friland / Norway), Stienette Bosklopper (Circe Films / Netherlands), Donato Rotunno (Tarantula / Luxembourg), Bart Van Langendonck (Savage Film / Belgium), Patrice Toye & Richard van Oosterhout (Roma Films / Belgium)
Internationales sales : Funny Balloons
-Lauréat Sundance / NHK International Filmmaker Award
Giornate Degli Autori - Venice Days
Festival des Films du Monde de Montréal
Sao Paulo International Film Festival
-Patrice Toye studied film at the St Lucas Institute in Brussels, from which she graduated in 1990. She proceeded to make several short films, documentaries and television programmes.
Her debut feature Rosie was released in 1998 and received great commercial and critical acclaim internationally. It was distributed in the USA, France, Japan and many other countries and was selected and awarded at prestigious festivals worldwide. In 2005 she directed the television film Gezocht : man that was screened at the Rotterdam International Film Festival.
She has just finished her second feature “Nowhere Man”, which has already been awarded the Sundance / NHK International Filmmakers Prize and is personally supported by Wim Wenders.
-« Intriguing and insightful, the film shows that while the fantasy of abandoning everything and everyone, and assuming a completely new identity, might sound appealing, the wisdom remains true: Wherever you go, there you are. Toye, who co-wrote the script with Bjorn Olaf Johannessen, uses dream sequences and surrealism to illuminate her points and the result is a satisfying blend of drama and social comment.»
Ray Bennett / The Hollywood Reporter